Cleaning Bucket



This bucket will be used after floods to help clean out a damaged home and protect from mold.

  • 2 Cotton clean rags
  • 2 Microfiber clean rags
  • 6 Sponges with scrub side
  • 1 Scrub brush
  • 1 Pkg. (8-12 count) reusable towels/handi-wipes/multi-use reusable cloths
  • 1 Liquid laundry detergent (two 25 oz. or one 50 oz. bottle)
  • 1 Household cleaner, 12 to 16 oz. bottle – that can be mixed in water (no spray bottles)
  • 1 Dish soap, 16 to 28 oz. bottle
  • 1 Clothes line (50 ft.)
  • 5 Dust masks (disposable) (sealed in a sandwich bag)
  • 2 Pair reusable, latex waterproof gloves (dishwasher gloves)
  • 1 Pair knit work gloves with latex/rubber grip (latex/rubber palm necessary)
  • 1 Roll of trash bags (roll 8 heavy duty contractor bags 33-45 gal. and 8 tall kitchen bags together w/rubber band)
  • 1 insect repellent spray (not killer or fogger), 6 to 14 oz. can (aerosol spray or pump with protective cover)
  • 1 Can air freshener (aerosol or pump)
  • 50 Clothes pins